Christel Dauwe Collection : Christmas Decoration : Swetowski Moon


The famous Artist “Tomek Swetowski” has made a world of his own. A world of figurative artwork. Which found it’s inpriation in the world around him. His paintings can be found in the great musea all over the world. In his hometown he opened his “Museum of Imagination” his comment on this collection : “I have created a tower of ivory to escape the daily life, a state within a state, the centre of the world where I am going to stay until the end of my days.”

It’s a mystic world of paintings, sculptures an other expression of art.
Let Tomek Swetowski take you on a journey in a dream world.
With this ornament you can take the dream home and enjoy it on a daily base.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 13 × 6 × 15 cm